So I told her to bring the strikkepinner, so she could teach me how... Little did I expect her to come with brand new equipmet for me, and a BIG plan aswell. When I was wisiting mum this summer I saw a pair of wollen socks that she was making, and I did the "puppy-eyes" to get her to make a pair for me aswell. But now, when I wanted to learn the noble art of knittig, she thought it better if I make'em myself. And I can tell you - not an easy first project.... But as long as mum believes, so will I!
søndag 5. oktober 2008
So I told her to bring the strikkepinner, so she could teach me how... Little did I expect her to come with brand new equipmet for me, and a BIG plan aswell. When I was wisiting mum this summer I saw a pair of wollen socks that she was making, and I did the "puppy-eyes" to get her to make a pair for me aswell. But now, when I wanted to learn the noble art of knittig, she thought it better if I make'em myself. And I can tell you - not an easy first project.... But as long as mum believes, so will I!
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5 kommentarer:
Well, little miss Dacie!
I never thought I´d see the day..You as the Knittmaster DJ... Well well well, the world never cease to surprise me!
You have to get that Application so we can subscribe to your blog.
Can´t miss the continuation....
hehehe! FULL of surprises ;)
Men æ veit itj kordan man gjøøøør sånn application....
funny, brought my strikkepinner down last time i was in Naarvej too. Working on a scarf, beginners level nr1 oo yeah!
Tina is a natural born knitting talent! Vi hoppa over kurs 1-5 og heiv oss rætt på såkkan. Koffer itj?? Nu e både vrangbord og hæl'n færdig. Da e det rætt fram med rætt og vrangt heilt fram te tær'n. Så får vi sjå om hu fikse det å....
Åsså har a fått symaskin åsså. Hadd ailler trudd at hu skuill få sånne interæssa. Nu veinte æ mæ ny vinterkåpe te jul. Med mink! Og knapphøl. Ska byinn å rydd plass i skapet.
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