torsdag 6. november 2008

you know you're sick when...

  • you'd rather (SINCERELY) bee in school
  • you cry to the Oprah Winfrey show
  • making noodel-soup feels like working out
  • you go to buy toiletpaper and come back with the new Sheryl Crow album
  • you find that TV-shop and Greys Anatomy has the same level of interest
  • your potatoes taste like banana and the fish taste like cinnamon
  • a call from a telemarketer makes your day because you actually got to TALK to someone

1 kommentar:

Heisannhoppsann sa...

Stakkars deg da. Ingen som kommer og stikker febermålet i rompa di. Ingen som lager melk med honning. Ingen som leser eventyr. Tilværelsen kan være uutholdelig til tider.
God bedring!