onsdag 3. desember 2008

the julklapps!

If you feel like you are one of those who deserve a christmaspresent from me, dont't be surprised if you see some of these colours under the tree.
This year all presents from the Tina will either be produced by Tina herself, or bought second hand. Fair for the trade, and good for the environment :)
It's on! Tina aka Ms. Santa!!!

2 kommentarer:

Heisannhoppsann sa...

I'm impressed!Have you made the buttons yourself, too? Or are they bought second hand? MEN har du ikke tenkt å bidra til å løse finanskrisa?? Hvis vi slutter å kaste-kaste og kjøpe-kjøpe, slutter samfunnshjulene å gå rundt. Butikkene får ikke tømt hyllene sine, og fabrikkene må stenge, og folk mister jobbene sine, og vi blir alle ulykkelige, og....
Anyway - I feel I deserve a Christmas present!

Anonym sa...

i like them colors.... you like me enough to give 'em too me?? ehh???
Snart god jul :)